320 Fabric and Leather VDM Brushes Bundle ( 30% OFF )
Hossein Hatami
This bundle contains...
You can get an exceptional product by buying this product....So buy now
This Product include 320 Fabric and Leather VDM Brushes Bundle ( 30% OFF )
Information about this product:
VDM ZBrush
VDM Blender
VDM Blender_ Single
TIF (Alpha 4K) 16 bits ( with black background )
(( VDM Blender ))
From now on, you can easily add VDM Blender brushes to your cartoon tools in the following way and use them easily.
File/Append / Load file
All the files in this bundle are usable in Blender (3.5) or newer version
Mail : eragon624@yahoo.com
Instagram : @eragon624
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